Separation of harmonic sounds using multipitch analysis and iterative parameter estimation (WASPAA 2001)

original signal and list of mixed component sounds separated component #1 separated component #2 separated component #3 separated component #4 separated component #5 separated component #6
orig1: 2xflute sep1_1 sep1_2
orig2: bass, piccolo sep2_1 sep2_2
orig3: cello, violin, trumpet sep3_1 sep3_2 sep3_3
orig4: 3xpiano sep4_1 sep4_2 sep4_3
orig5: englishhorn, trombone (tenor), saxophone, oboe sep5_1 sep5_2 sep5_3 sep5_4
orig6: 3xclarinet (one bass), saxophone (soprano) sep6_1 sep6_2 sep6_3 sep6_4
orig7: 2xtrombone (tenor), english horn, clarinet, trombone (alto) sep7_1 sep7_2 sep7_3 sep7_4 sep7_5
orig8: clarinet (bass), 2xsaxophone (alto), oboe, clarinet, viola sep8_1 sep8_2 sep8_3 sep8_4 sep8_5 sep8_6
orig9: clarinet (bass), french horn, violin, english horn, oboe, clarinet sep9_1 sep9_2 sep9_3 sep9_4 sep9_5 sep9_6

Examples of poor separation

original signal and list of mixed component sounds comment separated component #1 separated component #2 separated component #3 separated component #4 separated component #5 separated component #6
orig10: guitar, flute the offset of the guitar is not detected sep10_1 sep10_2
orig11: guitar, tuba, violin some of the overlapping harmonics have not been resolved sep11_1 sep11_2 sep11_3
orig15: 3xtrombone two sounds in an octave relation; over half of the harmonics overlap sep15_1 sep15_2 sep15_3
orig12: saxophone, bassoon, trumpet, violin two sounds corrupted because of unresolved overlapping harmonics sep12_1 sep12_2 sep12_3 sep12_4
orig13: 2xsaxophone, trumpet, cello, flute two sounds corrupted because of unresolved overlapping harmonics sep13_1 sep13_2 sep13_3 sep13_4 sep13_5
orig14: saxophone frenchorn, flute, trumpet, cello, oboe errors in multipitch estimation => corrupted sounds sep14_1 sep14_2 sep14_3 sep14_4 sep14_5 sep14_6
- Tuomas Virtanen,