Peer-reviewed publications

Refereed articles in international journals

Beer, A., Weller, S., Dinmore, H., Ratcliffe, J., Onur, I., Bailey, D., Barnes, T., Irving, J, Horne, S., Atienza, J. & Sotarauta, M. (2024) Just transitions in the Australian automotive sector? Contemporary Social Science

Dinmore, H., Beer, A., Irving, J. & Sotarauta, M. (2023). Leading Change in Communities Experiencing Economic Transition: Place Leadership, Expectations, and Industry Closure. Journal of Change Management, 23(1), 32-52

Sotarauta, M., Kurikka, H. & Kolehmainen, J. (2023) Change agency and path development in peripheral regions: from pulp production towards eco-industry in Lapland. European Planning Studies, 31(2), 348-371

Sotarauta, M., & Grillitsch, M. (2023). Path tracing in the study of agency and structures: Methodological considerations. Progress in Human Geography. 47(1) 85-102

Kurikka, H., Kolehmainen, J., Sotarauta, M., Nilsson, M. & Nielsen, H. (2022) Regional opportunity spaces – observations from Nordic regions. Regional Studies, 57(8), 1440-1452

Grillitsch, M., Sotarauta, M., Asheim, B. Fitjar, R.D., Haus-Reve, S., Kolehmainen, J., Kurikka, H., Lundquist, K.-J., Martynovich, M., Monteilhet, S., Nielsen, H., Nilsson, M., Rekers, J., Sopanen, S., & Stihl, L. (2022) Agency and Economic Change in Regions: Using Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) to identify Routes to New Path Development. Regional Studies, 57(8) 1453-1468

Sotarauta, M., Suvinen, N., Jolly, S. & Hansen, T. 2021. The many roles of change agency in the game of green path development in the North European Urban and Regional Studies, 28 (2) 92-110

Laasonen, V., Kolehmainen, J. & Sotarauta, M. 2020. The complexity of contemporary innovation policy and its governance in Finland Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 35(4), 547-568

McKenzie, F., Sotarauta, M., Blažek, J., Beer, A. and Ayres, S. 2020. Towards research impact: using place-based policy to develop new research methods for bridging the academic/policy divide Regional Studies, Regional Science, 7(1), 431-444

Grillitsch, M. & Sotarauta, M. 2020. Trinity of change agency, regional development paths and opportunity spaces Progress in Human Geography. 44(4) 704-723.

Sotarauta, M. & Suvinen, N. 2019. Place leadership and the challenge of transformation: policy platforms and innovation ecosystems in promotion of green growth. European Planning Studies, 27(9), 1748-1767.

Beer, A., Weller, S., Barnes, T., Onur, I., Ratcliffe, J., Bailey, D. & Sotarauta, M. 2019. The urban and regional impacts of plant closures: new methods and perspectives. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 6(1), 380-394

Beer, A., Ayres, S., Clower, T., Faller, F., Sancino, A. & Sotarauta, M. 2019. Place leadership and regional economic development: a framework for cross-regional analysis. Regional Studies, 53:2, 171-182.

Cai, Y., Normann, R., Pinheiro, R. & Sotarauta, M. 2018. Economic specialization and diversification at the country and regional level: introducing a conceptual framework to study innovation policy logics. European Planning Studies. 26(12) 2407-2426

Sotarauta, M. 2018. Smart specialization and place leadership: dreaming about shared visions, falling into policy traps? Regional Studies, Regional Science, 5(1) 190-203

Uyarra, E., Flanagan, K., Magro, E., Wilson, J.R. & Sotarauta, M. 2017. Understanding regional innovation policy dynamics: Actors, agency and learning. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 35(4) 559-568

Sotarauta, M. 2017. An actor-centric bottom-up view of institutions: Combinatorial knowledge dynamics through the eyes of institutional entrepreneurs and institutional navigators. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 35(4), 584-599

Sotarauta, M., Beer, A. & Gibney, J. 2017. Making sense of leadership in urban and regional development, Regional Studies, 51:2, 187-193

Sotarauta, M. & Beer, A. 2017. Governance, Agency and Place Leadership: Lessons from a Cross National Analysis. Regional Studies. 51(2) 210-223

Sotarauta, M. 2016. Place leadership, governance and power. Administration, 64(3/4) 45-58

Sotarauta, M. & Heinonen, T. 2016. The Triple Helix Model and the Competence Set: Human Spare Parts Industry under Scrutiny. Triple Helix, 3(8), 1-20.

Sotarauta, M. & Mustikkamäki, N. 2015. Institutional entrepreneurship, power, and knowledge in innovation systems: Institutionalization of regenerative medicine in Tampere, Finland. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 33(2) 342 – 357

Sotarauta, M. & Kosonen, K.-J. 2013. Customized Innovation Policies and the Regions: Digital content services and intelligent machinery in Finland. European Urban and Regional Studies. 20(2), 258-274

Sotarauta, M. 2012. Policy Learning and the ‘Cluster Flavoured Innovation Policy’ in Finland. Environment & Planning C: Government and Policy. 30(5), 780-795.

Hartog, M. & Boschma, R. & Sotarauta, M. 2012. The impact of related variety on regional employment growth in Finland 1993-2006: high-tech versus medium/low-tech. Industry and Innovation, 19(6), 459-476.

Sotarauta, M., Ramstedt-Sen, T., Seppänen, S. & Kosonen, K.J. 2011. Digital or Local Buzz, Global or National Pipelines: Patterns of Knowledge Sourcing in Intelligent Machinery and Digital Content Services in Finland. European Planning Studies, 19 (7), 1305-1330.

Sotarauta, M. & Pulkkinen, R. 2011. Institutional Entrepreneurship for Knowledge Regions: In Search of a Fresh Set of Questions for Regional Innovation Studies. Environment & Planning C: Government and Policy. 29 (1), pp. 96-112..

Sotarauta, M. 2010. Regional Development and Regional Networks: The Role of Regional Development Officers in Finland. European Urban and Regional Studies, 17(4), pp. 387-400.

Sotarauta, M. 2009. Power and Influence Tactics in the Promotion of Regional Development: An Empirical Analysis of the Work of Finnish Regional Development Officers. Geoforum. 40:5. pp. 895-905.

Ritsilä, J. & Nieminen, M. & Sotarauta, M. & Lahtonen, J. 2008. Societal and Economic Engagement of Universities - An Evaluation Model. Higher Education Management and Policy Journal. 20(2), 118-137.

Ritsilä, J. & Nieminen, M. & Sotarauta, M. & Lahtonen, J. 2008. L’engagement économique et social des universités en Finlande : élaboration d’un modèle d’évaluation. Politiques et gestion de l'enseignement supérieur. Vol 20-2. 193-214.

Sotarauta, M. & Kautonen, M. 2007. Co-evolution of the Finnish National and Local Innovation and Science Arenas: Towards a Dynamic Understanding of Multi-Level Governance. Regional Studies, Vol 41, No 8, pp. 1085-1098.

Boschma, R. & Sotarauta, M. 2007. Economic policy from an evolutionary perspective: The case of Finland. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management. Vol 7, Nos 2-5, pp. 156-173.

Sotarauta, M. & Srinivas, S. 2006. Co-evolutionary Policy Processes: Understanding Innovative Economies and Future Resilience. Futures, Vol. 38, No. 3. April. pp. 312-336.

Kostiainen, J. & Sotarauta, M. 2003. Great Leap or Long March to Knowledge Economy: Institutions, Actors and Resources in the Development of Tampere, Finland. European Planning Studies. Vol. 10, No 5, pp. 415-438.

Sotarauta, M. 2001. Network Management and Information Systems in Promotion of Urban Economic Development: Some Reflections from CityWeb of Tampere. European Planning Studies. No 6. Pp. 693-706.

Sotarauta, M. 1999. In Search of Strategic Consciousness and Using Plans as Mirrors: The Case of Raisio Town. Sociedade e Território. Nro 29. pp 16-35.

Sotarauta, M. & Linnamaa, R. 1998. Crossing the Many Borders. Finnish Local Development Policies Facing New Challenges. European Planning Studies, Vol 6. No 2, p. 229-235.

Sotarauta, M. & Linnamaa, R. 1998. The Finnish Multi-Level Policy-Making and the Quality of Local Development Policy Process: The Cases of Oulu and Seinänaapurit Sub-regions. European Planning Studies. Vol. 6, No 5, pp. 505-524.

Sotarauta, M. 1998. Teaching Futures Seeking Communicative Policy-Processes. American Behavioral Scientist. Vol. 42, No 3. pp. 449-461.

Linturi, H. & Malaska, P. & Sotarauta, M. 1998. Emerging New Media and Learning Environment for Futures Studies: The Case of the Finland Futures Academy. Futures, Vol. 30, No 7.

Sotarauta, M. 1997. Finnish Regional Policy in Transition: Towards Rigid Planning Machine or Dynamic Governance? European Spatial and Research Policy. Vol 4, No 1. pp. 85-100.

Sotarauta, M. 1997. Escaping the Strategic Policy-Making Traps by Soft Strategies: Redirecting the Focus. Nordisk Samhällsgeografisk Tidskrift, No 24, april, pp. 48-62.

Sotarauta, M. 1996. Formulowanie strategii zarzadzania gmina w procesie harmonijnego rozwiazywania problemow. Samorzad terytorialny, No 1-2, p. 82-93. Warszawa. [in Polish]

Sotarauta, M. 1994. Finnish Municipalities and Planning in Transition - Empowerment, Impulses and Strategies. European Planning Studies. vol 2, No 3
Refereed articles in domestic journals

Refereed articles in domestic journals

Sotarauta, M. & Linnamaa, R. & Viljamaa, K. 1999. Elinkeinopoliittisen seutuyhteistyön kulminaatiopisteet [The focal points of intermunicipal co-operation]. Kunnallistieteellinen aikakauskirja (Finnish Local Government Studies), 4/1999, s. 437-448.

Sotarauta, M. 1998. Alue- ja suunnittelututkimuksen viestit tulevaisuuden tutkimukselle (Messages from regional and planning studies for futures studies). Kuusi, O. & Niiniluoto, I (toim.) Edistyvien ja rikastuvien tieteiden vaikutukset tulevaisuuteen. Futura, No 4. s. 123-138.

Sotarauta, M. 1996. Suunnittelun ansat ja pehmeä strategia. (Planning traps and soft strategy) Kunnallistieteellinen aikakauskirja, vol 24, No 3. s. 334-337.

Sotarauta, M. 1995. In Search of New Approaches on Community Governance: Towards New Models and Softer Strategies. In Oulasvirta, L. (ed.) Finnish Local Government in Transition. Special quarterly of Finnish Local Government Studies, vol. 22, No 4. pp. 386-392.

Sotarauta, M. 1993. Kuntien yhteistyö strategisen ajattelun näkökulmasta - esimerkkinä Kurun, Ruoveden ja Virtain yhteistyö- ja kehittämisstrategiat. (Co-operation Between Muncipalities from Strategic Thinking Point of View) Suomen kunnallistieteellinen aikakauskirja (Finnish Local Government Studies), vol 21, No 3.

Refereed articles in domestic compilation works

Sotarauta, M. & Parkinson, M. 2012. Kakkoskaupungit Euroopassa: Huomioita suorituskyvystä ja kehittämispolitiikoista. Teoksessa Hirvonen, T. & Kotavaara, O. (toim.) ESPON tekee tulosta. Nordia tiedonantoja 1/2012. s. 43-56. Pohjois-Suomen maantieteellinen seura ja Oulun yliopiston maantieteen laitos. Oulu.

Sotarauta, M & Kostiainen, J. 2005. Organising for futures in the city-region of Tampere: Network management and the enabling development model. In Kasvio, A. & Anttiroiko, A-V. (eds.) e-City: Analysing efforts to generate local dynamism in the City of Tampere. Tampere University Press. Tampere.

Refereed articles in intl.compilation works

Sotarauta, M., Kolehmainen, J. & Laasonen, V. 2023. Evolving innovation policy rationales in Finland. In Pekkola, E., Johanson, J-E. & Mykkänen, M. (eds) Finnish Public Administration: Nordic Public Space and Agency. 197-214. Palgrave Macmillan.

Sotarauta, M. (2023). Leading Post-industrial Urban and Regional Renewal. In Bratton, J. (ed). Organizational Leadership. Sage Publications.
Sotarauta, M. & Beer, A. 2021. Introduction to city and regional leadership. Sotarauta, M. & Beer, A. (eds.) Handbook on City and Regional Leadership. 2-18. Cheltenham; Edward Elgar Publishing.

Beer, A., Sotarauta, M. & Ayles, K. 2021. Place, city, regional, rural … leadership: a review. Sotarauta, M. & Beer, A. (eds.) Handbook on City and Regional Leadership. 19-40. Cheltenham; Edward Elgar Publishing.

Sotarauta, M. 2021. Combinatorial power and place leadership. Sotarauta, M. & Beer, A. (eds.) Handbook on City and Regional Leadership. 152-167. Cheltenham; Edward Elgar Publishing.

Sotarauta, M., Kurikka, H. & Kolehmainen, J. 2021. Patterns of place leadership: institutional change and path development in peripheral regions. Sotarauta, M. & Beer, A. (eds.) Handbook on City and Regional Leadership. 203-223. Cheltenham; Edward Elgar Publishing.

Grillitsch. M., Rekers, J. & Sotarauta, M. 2021. Investigating agency: methodological and empirical challenges. Sotarauta, M. & Beer, A. (eds.) Handbook on City and Regional Leadership. 302-323. Cheltenham; Edward Elgar Publishing.

Østergaard, C.R., Holm, J. R., Iversen, E., Schubert, T., Skålholt, A., & Sotarauta, M. 2021. Environmental innovations and Green skills in the Nordic countries. In Sedita, S. R. & Blasi, S. (eds.) Rethinking Clusters: Place-based Value Creation in Sustainability Transitions. Springer. 

Sotarauta, M. & Suvinen, N. 2019. Place leadership and the challenge of transformation: policy platforms and innovation ecosystems in promotion of green growth. In Cooke, P. (ed.) Dislocation awkward spatial transitions. Abingdon, Oxon; Routledge.

Kurikka, H., Kolehmainen, J. & Sotarauta, M. 2018. Constructing Regional Resilience in a Knowledge Economy Crisis: The Case of the Nokia-led ICT Industry. In Benneworth, P. (ed.) Universities and Regional Economic Development: Engaging with the Periphery. 163-179. Routledge; Abingdon, Oxon.

Sotarauta, M. & Suvinen, N. 2018. Institutional Agency and Path Creation: Institutional Path from Industrial to Knowledge City. Isaksen, A., Martin, R. & Trippl, M. (eds.) New Avenues for Regional Innovation Systems - Theoretical Advances, Empirical Cases and Policy Lessons. 85-104. Springer.

Sotarauta, M. 2016. Leading a Fundamentally Detuned Choir: University of Tampere, Finland – A Civic University?. In Goddard John, Hazelkorn Ellen, Kempton Louise, Vallance Paul (eds.) The Civic University: The Policy and Leadership Challenges. 117-134. Edwar Elgar Publishing.

Sotarauta, M. 2014. Territorial Knowledge Leadership in Policy Networks: A Peripheral Region of South Ostrobothnia, Finland as a Case in Point. In Rutten, R., Benneworth, P., Irawati, D. and Boekema, F. (eds.) The Social Dynamics of Innovation Networks. 42-59. Routledge; Abingdon, Oxon.

Sotarauta, M. 2013. Institutional Entrepreneurship, Innovation Systems, and Innovation Policy. In Elias G. Carayannis (ed.). Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Springer. 1074-1081.

Sotarauta, M. & Mustikkamäki, N. 2012. Strategic leadership relay: how to keep regional innovation journeys in motion. In Sotarauta, M., Horlings, L. & Liddle, J. (eds.). Leadership and Change in Sustainable Regional Development. pp. 190-211. Abingdon, Oxon; Routledge.

Sotarauta, M., Horlings, L. & Liddle, J. 2012. Leadership and sustainable regional development. In Sotarauta, M., Horlings, L. & Liddle, J. (eds.) 2012. Leadership and Change in Sustainable Regional Development. pp. 1-19. Abingdon, Oxon; Routledge.

Sotarauta, M., Horlings, L. & Liddle, J. 2012. Knowledge leadership for resilient regions: concluding remarks. In Sotarauta, M., Horlings, L. & Liddle, J. (eds.). Leadership and Change in Sustainable Regional Development. pp. 271-290. Abingdon, Oxon; Routledge.

Sotarauta, M. and Saarivirta, T. 2012. Strategy development in knowledge cities revisited - the roles of innovation strategy in Helsinki Metropolitan Area explored. In Garmann Johnsen H.C. & Ennals, R. (eds.) Creating collaborative advantage: Innovation and knowledge creation in regional economies. Gower, pp. 79-90.

Asheim, B., Isaksen, A., Moodysson, J., and Sotarauta, M. 2011. The changing and diverse roles of RIS in the globalizing knowledge economy: A theoretical re‐examination with illustrations from the Nordic countries. In Bathelt, H., Feldman, M.P., and Koegler, D.F. (eds) Beyond Territory: Dynamic Geographies of Knowledge Creation, Diffusion and Innovation. London and New York: Routledge.

Sotarauta, M. & Srinivas, S. 2005. Renewal of Regions – An Evolutionary Point of View: Reflections from South Ostrobothnia, Finland. In Markowski, T. (ed.) Regional Scientists’ Tribute to Professor Ryszard Domanski. Polish Academy of Sciences, Commitee for Space Economy and Regional Planning. Warsaw.

Sotarauta, M. 2005. Tales of resilience from two Finnish cities: Self-renewal capacity at the heart of strategic adaptation. In Duke, C. & Osborne, M. & Wilson, B. (eds.) Rebalancing the social and economic learning, partnership and place. Niace. Leicester.

Sotarauta, M. 2005. Shared Leadership and Dynamic Capabilities in Regional Development. In Sagan & Halkier (eds.) Regionalism Contested: Institution, Society and Governance. Urban and Regional Planning and Development Series. Cornwall, Ashgate.

Sotarauta, M. & Kosonen, K.-J. 2004. Strategic adaptation to the knowledge economy in less favoured regions: a South-Ostrobothnian university network as a case in point, in P. Cooke & A. Piccaluga (eds.) Regional Economies as Knowledge Laboratories, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar.

Sotarauta, M. 2002. Teaching Futures-Seeking Policy Process. In Dator, J. A. (ed.) Advancing Futures: Futures Studies in Higher Education, Praeger, Westport, Connecticut, London, pp. 217-232.

Mustikkamäki, N., Viljamaa, K. & Sotarauta, M. 2002. Polycentric Development and Urban Networking: Reflections from Finland. In Markowski, T. & Marszal, T. (ed.) Polycentric Metropolitan Regions - New Concepts and Experiences. Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee for Space Economy and Regional Planning. Warsaw.

Sotarauta, M. & Linnamaa, R. 2001. In Search of New Model for Strategic Planning: Soft Strategy, Self-managing Teams and Promotion of Regional Development in South Ostrobothnia. In Zimmermann & Janschitz (eds.) Regional Policies in Europe: Key Opportunities for Regions in the 21st Century. Pp. 189-210. Institute of Geography and Regional Science, University of Graz. Austria.

Sotarauta, M. 1999. The Quality of Urban Development Strategy Process as a Competitive Advantage. Domanski, R. (ed.) Competitiveness of regions in the Polish and European perspective, Studia Regionalia, Committee for Space Economy and Regional Planning of the Polish Academy of Sciences, vol. 9. Warsaw.